বৃহস্পতিবার, জুন ২২, ২০১৭



The Sixth Taraaweeh:

This summary of the 6th Taraweeh covers the verses from the second quarter of the seventh Juz (verse 116 of Surah Maa’idah), and concludes midway through the eighth Juz ( up to the end of Surah An’aam).

On the Day of Qiyaamah Allaah will remind Hadhrat Isa (A.S) about his miraculous birth, about the various miracles that Allaah allowed him to perform and about the favours that Allaah bestowed on him and his mother Hadhrat Maryam (A.S). Allaah will then ask him, “Oh Isa, son of Maryam, did you tell the people, ‘Take myself and my mother both as deities instead of Allaah?’” Hadhrat Isa (A.S) will deny that he ever encouraged this and will accede, “You know what is in my heart … I only told them what You had commanded me with i.e. ‘Worship Allaah, Who is my Rabb and your Rabb! … If You punish them, then verily they are Your slaves, and if You pardon them, then surely You are the Mighty, the Wise.”
[verses 116, 117 and 118 of Surah Maa’idah].

Surah An’aam commences after Surah Maa’idah. Allaah mentions that it has always been the practice of the kuffaar to ridicule the Ambiya (A.S) and to call them wizards. However, Allaah’s Deen will always conquer and rise, while the kuffaar will suffer a terrible doom for their falsehood. Whereas Allaah provides sustenance to people and does not require any reward from them, other gods cannot provide sustenance for their devotees but rather require sustenance from them. Allaah exhorts Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) not to be distressed about the aversion of the kuffaar, but to be patient because Allaah will definitely assist him. The Surah makes it clear that none will be required to account for the deeds of another on the Day of Qiyaamah. Every person will be held
responsible for his/her own deeds, when the kuffaar will come to learn what their plight shall be. On that day, all kingdom will belong solely to Allaah and none shall have any say in any matter.

After describing how Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) recognized Allaah as his true Deity, Allaah tells the Quraish of Makkah that his people denied him just as they (the Quraish) deny the message of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). The conclusion is drawn from this that the Quraish also stand to face the same destructive consequences as the people of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) did. Allaah also points out that the worst oppressor is the one who lies about Allaah and who rebels against Allaah’s commands. Oppressors will never be successful, especially in the Hereafter. Allaah has promised that the Day of Qiyaamah shall take place. Allaah advises the Mu'mineen never to swear the gods of others so that they do not retort by swearing Allaah.


Allaah commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to announce to the people, “Certainly my Rabb has guided me to the straight path … Surely my salaah, all my acts of worship, my life and my death are for Allaah, the Rabb of the universe. He has no partner. With this have I been commanded and I am the first of those who surrender.” [Surah An’aam, verses 161, 162 and 163]

The following aspects have been emphasised in this Surah:

1. Never ascribe any as partner to Allaah.
2. Treat parents kindly.
3. Never slay your children for fear of poverty because Allaah sustains everyone.
4. Never even come close to acts of promiscuity and immodesty.
5. Never take the life of any person without a legal right to do so.
6. Be just when weighing and measuring.
7. Always speak the truth and implement justice even though it may impact negatively on one’s relatives.
8. Keep your word to Allaah and to fellow man.

The Taraweeh recitation concludes with the words: “Verily your Rabb is Swift in punishment and indeed He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.



(7)Th Seven Taraaweeh:

The summary of the 7th Taraaweeh commences from the second half of the eighth Juz (beginning of Surah A’raaf), and concludes three-quarters into the ninth Juz (up to the end of Surah A’raaf).
Much of Surah A’raaf concerns the advent of the Hereafter. In this regard Allaah instructs man to “Follow what has been revealed to you from your Rabb and, leaving Him aside, do not follow other companions.” [verse 3] Allaah also says, “We shall definitely question those to whom messengers were sent and We will surely question the messengers.” [verse 6]
People will be questioned about whether they followed the teachings of the Ambiya (A.S) and the Ambiya (A.S) will also be asked whether they fulfilled the task of propagation and about the attitude of their people. Every person will definitely have to pass the scales to have his/her deeds weighed.

Allaah draws man’s attention to the fact that rejecting the truth like Qiyaamah and Risaalah (prophet hood) is an act of Shaytaan. To illustrate this point, Allaah mentions the disobedience of
Shaytaan when he refused to prostrate to Hadhrat Aadam (A.S) when Allaah commanded him to do so. Allaah warns man not to act in a similar manner. Allaah also mentions that He granted man many favors when He settled him on earth and also granted him honor by commanding the angels to prostrate before his father Hadhrat Aadam (A.S). However, despite all these boons, man is still ungrateful.

Later in the Surah, Allaah cautions man not to transgress the limits that Allaah has set because “Allaah does not like those who transgress.” Allaah declares that He has forbidden all acts
of immodesty, be they secret or public. He has also forbidden people from ascribing partners to Him and ascribing such statements to Allaah which they have no knowledge of. This is referred to in verse 33 where Allaah says, “and that you say against Allaah what you do not know.”

In verse 40 Allaah says, “Indeed those who deny our verses and are arrogant thereto, the doors of the heavens will not be opened to them and they will not enter Jannah untill a camel enters through the eye of a needle.” It will therefore be impossible for them to enter Jannah. On the other hand, the righteous ones have been promised entry into Jannah. Therefore, the Mu'mineen should respond to Allaah’s call with hope and reverence because Allaah’s mercy is definitely close to the righteous ones.

Thereafter Allaah relates the incidents of several Ambiya (A.S) and states how the nations of these Ambiya (A.S) refused to accept the truth, thereby inviting Allaah’s punishment to annihilate them. These incidents are intended to be lessons for people so that they accept the message of Rasululllaah


After narrating these incidents Allaah says, “When your Rabb extracted from the backs of the children of Aadam their progeny and called them to witness over themselves saying, ‘Am I not your Rabb?’ They replied, ‘Certainly! We attest thereto.’” [verse 172]

Allaah then says that those people who are greedy and live only to fulfill their desires are like dogs who pant with their tongues hanging out. Allaah has made Jahannam for these people because “They have hearts with which they cannot understand, they have eyes with which they cannot see and they have ears with which they cannot hear. (In fact) They are like animals, but even more deviated.” [verse 179]

Allaah tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) that if the kuffaar call him a wizard or a madman, he should not heed their taunts and should tell them that he is a Warner to them and a bearer of glad tidings to those who will accept his message.

Allaah also explains to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) that he should bear the harassment of the kuffaar with tolerance so that any reaction of his should not obstruct the propagation of Islaam.

In verse 199 Allaah enjoins Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) saying, “Adopt forgiveness, enjoin what is right and ignore the ignorant.” In addition to this, Allaah also commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to engage in Dhikr morning and evening in the heart as well as verbally. We should pray to Allaah to grant us the ability to accept the prophethood of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) both verbally and practically. May He also grant us conviction in the Hereafter and make us among those who can sincerely ask from Him. Aameen.




*The Eighth Taraaweeh*

This Taraaweeh begins from the last quarter of the ninth Juz (beginning of Surah Anfaal) and concludes at the end of the tenth Juz (verse 93 of Surah Taubah).

Allaah opens the Surah by discussing the distribution of the spoils of war. Allaah says, “The spoils of war are for Allaah and His messenger.” (i.e. Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) would distribute one-fifth of the booty amongst those who were deserving). Thereafter Allaah invokes man saying, “So fear Allaah, correct your mutual relations and obey Allaah and His messenger if you are believers.”
[verse 1].

Allaah then described the true Mu'mineen when He says, “The believers are those whose hearts tremble when Allaah is mentioned, whose faith (Imaan) increases when His verses are recited to them and they trust only in their Rabb. They are those who establish salaah and spend from what We have provided for them. These are the true believers! For them shall be ranks by their Rabb, forgiveness and bountiful sustenance.”
[verses 2, 3, 4]

Allaah makes mention of the assistance that He rendered to the Muslims during the Battle of Badr when He sent thousands of angels to fight with them. Allaah also cast fear into the hearts of the kuffaar despite their overwhelming numbers. Allaah then declares that there awaits a severe punishment for those who oppose Allaah and His Prophet (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). Thereafter, Allaah exhorts the Mu'mineen to fight in jihaad with fervor. Allaah says, “Oh you who believe, when you meet the disbelievers in battle, do not turn your backs to them.” [verse 15]

Allaah says that the person who flees from the battlefield because of cowardice shall draw Allaah’s wrath upon himself. Towards the end of the para Allaah says, “Fight them till no anarchy (kufr) exists and all religion is for Allaah. So if they desist (from kufr and shirk), then indeed Allaah is Watchful over what they do. If they turn away then know that Allaah is your Protecting Friend. What a terrific Friend and what a terrific Helper!” (verses 39 and 40)


The tenth Juz commences with mention of booty. Allaah declares, “Know that from whatever spoils of war that you acquire, a fifth thereof shall be for Allaah, His messenger, the relatives, the poor, the orphans and the travellers.”
[verse 41]

The remaining four-fifths will be distributed amongst the Mujaahideen (the Muslim soldiers who fought in the battle).
Allaah then discusses certain details about the Battle of Badr. In this discussion Allaah addresses the Mu'mineen saying, “Obey Allaah and His messenger and do not fall into dispute with  each other, for then you will become cowardly and your strength will be lost. Be patient, for verily Allaah is with the patient ones” [verse 46]

Allaah commands the Muslims further: “Prepare against them whatever forces of strength you can muster…” [verse 60] In addition to amassing weapons and battle provisions, Muslims must always have conviction in Allaah’s assistance. Allaah then assures the Muslims: “Whatever you may spend in Allaah’s way will be given to you in full and you will not be oppressed.”
[verse 60]

Addressing Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), Allaah says, “Oh Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), exhort the believers to fight.” [verse 65].

Allaah informs the Muslims that if they are.righteous, resolute and trust firmly in Allaah, they will be able to vanquish an army larger than themselves. Prisoners of war should not be captured merely with the intention of earning ransom money. Towards the end of the Surah, Muslims are urged to keep religious objectives in mind when migrating or when waging jihaad. Earning the booty must never be the objective. Allaah outlines a principle in inheritance at the end of Surah Anfaal when He says, “Those who are relatives are closer to each other in Allaah’s Book.” [verse 75]

The next Surah is called Surah Taubah because it contains mention of the Taubah that Allaah accepted from those who failed to participate in the Battle of Tabook. It is also called Surah Baraa’ah because Allaah exonerates Himself and Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) from the kuffaar (The Arabic word “Baraa’ah” means exoneration).

This Surah makes mention of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah which the Mushrikeen of Makkah eventually broke. Allaah declares, “Allaah and His messenger have exonerated themselves from those Mushrikeen with whom you have made a treaty.” Consequently, “The proclamation from Allaah and His messenger (was made) on the day of the greater hajj that verily Allaah and His messenger are exonerated from the Mushrikeen.” [verses 1 and 3]

After this declaration, all Mushrikeen were banned from entering the Haram and from making Tawaaf naked. The Muslims are urged not to take even their closest relatives as friends if they are
kuffaar. Allaah also advises Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) not to accept the lame excuses of the Munafiqeen (hypocrites) when they are reluctant to fight in jihaad. Their excuses are all concocted and the oaths that they take along with the excuses are all false. Allaah assures Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam) that the oaths of the sinners and Munafiqeen are hollow and should be ignored because these people were never Muslims. Allaah warns Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) that the Munafiqeen will desert him as soon as they get the opportunity. Allaah’s curse is on the Munafiqeen men and women because they are all birds of a feather. Allaah also forbade Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) from performing the Janaazah (funeral) salaah for the Munafiqeen.

This Surah also details the recipients of zakaah as:

1. The poor.
2. Slaves who are buying their freedom.
3. The destitute.
4. Those in debt.
5. The collectors of zakaah.
6. Those in “Allaah’s path”.
7. Those who need to be inclined to Islam.
8. Travellers.

In brief, Surah Taubah contains the following subject matter:
1. Certain battles and related incidents.
2. The treaties with the Mushrikeen and the declaration of exoneration from all kuffaar and Mushrikeen.
3. Prohibition of fighting during the days of Hajj.
4. Restriction of entry into the Haram for non-Muslims.
5. The command for the Ahlul Kitaab to either accept Islam or pay the Jizya.
6. Reproaching those who were negligent in participating in jihaad.
7. Specifying the recipients of zakaah.
8. Identifying the Munafiqeen and the Mu'mineen.



*(9)The Ninth Taraaweeh*


This Taraaweeh begins from the start of the eleventh Juz and concludes at the termination of the first quarter of the twelfth Juz (verse 49 of Surah Hood). The ending of the tenth Juz dealt with those Munâfiqîn who concocted excuses to evade conscription into the Muslim army. There were also many proud Munâfiqîn who saw no need to excuse themselves.The opening verse of the Juz (verse 94 of Sûrah Taubah) refers to those Munâfiqîn who came to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam after the Battle of Tabûk. Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam Allâh says, "They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Tell them, 'Do not make excuses, we shall never believe you. Allâh has already informed us about your condition...'" (verse 94)

Allâh speaks about people who regard zakâh as a burden on their shoulders. Allâh says, "Of the villagers are those who consider what they spend as a tax and they await the ill‑fortunes of fate to befall you. May the ill fortunes befall them! Allâh is All Hearing, All Knowing. (verse 98)
After discussing the Munâfiqîn, Allâh speaks about the Mu'minîn in verse 100 when He says, "The first to lead the way, from the Muhajirîn, the Ansâr, and those who followed them with sincerity; Allâh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them such gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide forever. This is the ultimate success."
Thereafter, Allâh speaks about the Masjid of harm (Masjid Dirâr), the underlying purpose of which the Munâfiqîn built to promote hypocrisy  and kufr among the Muslims. Allâh condemned its construction and the Muslims destroyed it. The subsequent verses make reference to the three Sahabah & who failed to participate in the expedition to Tabûk. They were boycotted for fifty days before Allâh announced the acceptance of their Taubah in this Sûrah.

Sûrah Yunus follows Sûrah Taubah. Sûrah Yunus also discusses the three fundamental issues of: Tauhîd [Oneness of Allâh], Risâlah [the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam] Âkhirâh [the Hereafter].

Attention is drawn to these beliefs by using occurrences and quoting momentous historical reports which serve to entrench these beliefs into the mind. Therefore, Allâh commences the Sûrah by stating, "These are the verses of the wise Book. Are people surprised that We sent revelation to a man from among them?" Those who respond to the message of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam will be guided to salvation, whereas those who reject will be doomed to destruction and will not be saved by anyone's intercession. Allâh then proceeds to warn people of Jahannam and convey the glad tidings of Jannah to the Mu'minîn. In verse 12 Allâh speaks about ungrateful people when He says, "When any adversity afflicts man, he supplicates to Us lying down, sitting or standing. When We avert the adversity from him, he continues as if he has never supplicated to Us for the adversity that afflicted him."

Allâh then relates the incidents of various Ambiyâ like Hadhrat Nûh, Hadhrat Mûsa and Hadhrat Yunus Alayhimus Salâm. In narrating these, Allâh impresses on man not to make the same  mistakes that the people of these Ambiyâ made.
At the end of the Sûrah Allâh declares, "Say, O people! Certainly the truth has come to you from your Rabb. So whoever will be guided shall only receive guidance for himself (for his own benefit). Whoever will go astray shall only go astray to own detriment. I have not been commissioned over you. Follow what has been revealed to you and persevere until Allâh passes decision. He is the Best of the deciders." (verses 108-9)
End of the Eleventh Juz


Surah Hood follows Surah Yunus and contains the incidents of many a past nation, describing the punishments that afflictedthem because eof their disbelief. Thereafter the Surah illustrates the scene of Qiyaamah and the rewards and punishment to be received by various classes of people.

Allaah introduces the Surah by saying, “This is a Book, the verses of which have been consolidated and then expounded (coming from) The Wise, The Informed.” Proceeding further Allaah says, “The responsibility for sustaining every creature on earth rests with Allaah.”

Allaah then describes how He created the universe. Allaah challenges man to produce Surahs the like of those in the Qur'aan if they feel that the Qur'aan is an invention of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). However, even if they have to call everyone to their assistance they will never be able to compose anything like the Qur'aan.

May Allaah grant us all the ability to appreciate all the bounties that He has granted to us and that He includes us amongst His grateful servants.

May Allaah also grant us the Tawfeeq to hasten to His every instruction and may He save us from arrogance and pride.

May Allah give us the understanding.



**The Tenth Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh begins from the second quarter of the twelfth JUZ  (verse 50 of Surah Hood) and concludes halfway through the 13th JUZ (verse 18 of Surah Ra’d).

Allaah states, “And to the Aad We sent their brother Hood.” Just as the people of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S) remained stubborn in the disbelief, the people of Hadhrat Hood (A.S) did the same. Instead of listening to the message of Tauheed, the Aad exclaimed “Who is more powerful than us?” They were eventually destroyed. The nation of Thamud followed them. When they refused to accept the message of Hadhrat Saalih (A.S), Allaah’s punishment destroyed them as well. Mention is then made of the people of Hadhrat Loot (A.S) who were extremely lewd and immoral. As a result of their depravity they also suffered the same fate as their sister nations before them. Thereafter, Allaah speaks about the preaching of Hadhrat Shu’aib (A.S) to the people of Madyan and then about the preaching of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) to Fir'oun and his people.

After citing all these incidents Allaah says, “Such is the grasp of your Rabb when He seized a town that is oppressive. Indeed His grasp is painful and severe.” [verse 102]

Addressing Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), Allaah says further, “We narrate to you all the narratives of the messengers so that your heart may be strengthened thereby. In these narratives the truth has come to you, as well as an advice and reminder for the believers.” [verse 120]

Allaah then concludes the Surah by saying, “To Allaah belongs the unseen things of the heavens and the earth and unto Him alone will all matters return. So worship Him and rely on Him only. Your Rabb is not unaware of what you do.”
[verse 123]

Surah Yusuf follows Surah Hood. Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa-sallam) was not aware of the story of Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S), so the Jews decided to test his prophethood by asking him about this story. They thought that he would be unable to narrate the story to them. However, Allaah revealed Surah Yusuf to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), thereby stunning the Jews with its detailed account.

As a boy, Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) once saw in a dream that eleven stars, the sun and the moon were prostrating before him. The eleven stars denoted his eleven step-brother, while the sun and moon denoted his parents. When he informed his father Hadhrat Ya'qoob (A.S) about the dream, his father advised him not to relate the dream to his brothers because they would then become his sworn enemies.

His brothers had always been jealous of Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) and finally threw him in a well one day, making the excuse to their father that a wolf had devoured him. Some travellers took him out of the well and sold him as a slave to the chief minister of Egypt. The minister’s wife was infatuated with Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S)’s beauty and attempted to seduce him. It was when he refused to respond to her charms that she had him imprisoned. While in prison he accurately interpreted the dreams of two fellow inmates. When one of them was released, he (after some time) referred the king’s dream to Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S), who interpreted it correctly and even provided a solution for the problem at hand. As a result, Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) became a trusted advisor to the king and practically ruled Egypt.


When a severe drought struck Egypt and the surrounding areas, Egypt had no shortage of grains because Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) had proposed to the king from before that they should keep grains in
store from the previous years. Therefore, people from the neighbouring areas began to flock to Egypt for food. Among those who arrived in Egypt were the brothers of Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S). Although they failed to recognise him, he recognised them and returned their money to them without their knowledge. He also insisted that they bring their youngest brother along on the next trip.

When they arrived home and found that their money was returned to them they said, “Oh our father! What more can we want? Here are our funds returned to us.” [verse 65].
On the next trip they took their youngest brother along with them. As they started to return home, Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) detained his youngest brother in Egypt on some pretext. Hadhrat Ya'qoob (A.S) turned blind because of excessive weeping over his lost child. Allaah says, “His eyes turned white with sorrow.”
[verse 84]

When the brothers returned to Egypt for the third time and Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) informed them about who he was, they cast their gazes down in embarrassment and regret. Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) told them, “The fact is that whoever adopts taqwa and is patient (through adversities), then Allaah surely does not put to waste the reward of those who do good.” [verse 90]

When the brothers begged his forgiveness, Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S) displayed exemplary character and put them as ease by saying,
“There shall be no reproach on you today. May Allaah forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.” [verse 92]

Upon the request of Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S), Hadhrat Ya'qoob (A.S) and his entire family arrived in Egypt. When the family was reunited, they all fell in prostration before Hadhrat Yusuf (A.S). Thus, the dream he saw in childhood was realized. At the end of the Surah Allaah states that there are great lessons in the narratives of the Ambiya (A.S) for people of understanding.

Allaah says, “In their narratives there is certainly a lesson for people of intelligence. This Qur'aan is not a fabricated tale, but a confirmation to all the scriptures before it, a detailed explanation of all things, a guidance and a mercy for the believing folk.” [verse 111]

Surah Ra’d follows Surah Yusuf. This Surah establishes the truth of the Qur'aan, of Tauheed, Risaalah and Qiyaamah. It also provides details concerning resurrection. Allaah warns the kuffaar
of severe punishment in the Hereafter, but also states that He overlooks many sins for which He could well punish people. Allaah makes it clear that He is Aware of everything that man does and even has knowledge of what changes take place in the womb of an expectant mother. Allaah also emphasises: “Undoubtedly Allaah does not change the conditions of a nation till they change the condition within themselves.” [verse 11] Allaah has never changed the conditions affecting any nation that did not make an attempt to change their behaviour. Furthermore, Allaah exhorts man to ward off sins by carrying out good deeds because the bounties of the Hereafter have been made for the Mu'mineen.

May Allaah grant us the capacity to effect a revolution within our live styles and make us a means of effecting a favourable change to our surroundings.

May Allaah also grant us the guidance to carry out good deeds to attain the eternal bliss of Jannah.


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