বৃহস্পতিবার, জুন ২২, ২০১৭


#‎DAY 16

**The Sixteenth Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh begins from the last quarter of the 19th JUZ (from verse 7 of Surah Naml) and finishes off at the end of the 20th JUZ (verse 44 of Surah Ankaboot).

Allaah relates the detail incidents of Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) and Hadhrat Sulaymaan (A.S). The stories of these two illustrious Ambiya (A.S) begins with verse 15 where Allaah says, “Indeed We granted knowledge to Dawood and Sulaymaan.” Among the many bounties that Allaah conferred on them was that He taught them the language of the birds and also granted them control over the Jinn, humans, animals and birds. Allaahrecounts these incidents so that people may learn lessons and
realize the power of Allaah.


Allaah also declares, “Say, ‘None in the heavens and the earth has knowledge of the unseen besides Allaah. They do not even know when they will be resurrected (for the Day of Qiyaamah).” [verse 65] None besides Allaah has knowledge of when Qiyaamah will take place. However people are assured that “Indeed your Rabb knows what their hearts conceal andwhat they disclose.” [verse 74]

Towards the end of the Surah Allaah describes the scene of Qiyaamah when He says, “The day when the trumpet will be blown and all within the heavens and the earth will be terrified, except those whom Allaah wills. They will all come to Allaah in humility. You will look at the mountains, thinking them to be solid, but they will be passing by like clouds. This is the doing of Allaah, Who perfects everything. Indeed He is Informed of what you do. Whoever brings a good deed, shall receive something better. And they will be safe from the terror of that day. Whoever brings a sin, they will fall on their faces in the Fire. ‘You are only recompensed for what you have perpetrated.” [verses 87 to 90]

In concluding the Surah Allaah assures man, “Your Rabb is not unaware of what you do.” [verse 93] Every person should therefore be wary of whatever he does.

Surah Qasas commences after Surah Shu’araa and recounts the entire incident of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) and Fir'oun. The Surah also makes mention of Qaaroon and his immense fortune, which caused him to become extremely arrogant. As a result of his attitude Allaah caused the ground to swallow him up along with all his wealth. Allaah then tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa- sallam) that he is informed of these narratives so that he may caution the kuffaar. If they take heed, they stand a chance of being saved from Allaah’s terrible punishment. If not, they stand to face an awful doom.

Allaah then prompts the kuffaar to think a while. Allaah says, “Say, ‘Tell me. If Allaah makes the night perpetual for you till the Day of Qiyamah, which deity besides Him can bring light to you? Can you not hear?’ Say, ‘Tell me. If Allaah makes the day perpetual for you till the Day of Qiyamah, which deity besides Him can bring night to you, wherein you may find peace? Can you not see?” [verses 71/2]

Allaah states further in verse 73, “Due to His mercy, He has created the day and the night for you so that you may find peace therein, seek from His bounty, and express your gratitude to Him.”

Allaah exhorts his Prophet (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) not to be grieved about the opposition that the kuffaar pose because everything in this world is temporary. To highlight the transitory
nature of the effects of this world, Allaah cites the example of Qaaroon. His people advised him saying, “Do not be boastful, for verily Allaah does not like the boastful ones.” [verse 76]

Allaah says further, “So he emerged amongst his people in pomp and splendour. Those who desired the world gaped, ‘If only we also possessed what Qaaroon has! Undoubtedly, he is extremely fortunate. Those who were granted knowledge said, ‘Woe to you! Allaah’s rewards are better for the one who believes and does good deeds. Only the patient ones shall receive this.” [verses 79 and 80] As a result of his pride and failure to fulfil the obligatory rights of his riches, Allaah “plunged Qaaroon and his home within the ground.” [verse 81]

This incident proves that everything besides Allaah shall perish even though a thing may seem very great. The Surah also ends on the note of Tauheed where Allaah says, “Do not call to another deity with Allaah. There is none worthy of worship besides Him. Everything shall perish besides His Countenance. All decisions rest with Him and to Him shall you all be returned.” [verse 88]

Surah Ankaboot follows Surah Qasas and it beautifully distinguishes between the true Mu'mineen and the Munafiqeen as well as between those who are true and those who are false. The narratives of many Ambiya (A.S) are also related. Allaah begins the Surah by stating, “Do people think that they will be left to say, ‘We believe!’ without being tested? We certainly tested those before them, and Allaah will definitely know about those who are true and He will definitely know the liars.” [verses 2 & 3]

Although Allaah has commanded man to be obedient to his parents, Allaah mentions in this Surah that parents should not be obeyed if they attempt to induce one to forsake Islam. “The creation cannot be obeyed if the Creator would be disobeyed.” Allaah says, “The disbelievers say to the believers, ‘Follow our way and we will bear the burden of your sins.’ They will not carry any part of their sins. They are certain liars.” [verse 12]

Allaah then cites the incident of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S) who preached to his nation for 950 years. Despite his tireless efforts the vast majority of them refused to accept his message and were eventually drowned in the flood. Allaah then speaks of the annihilation of the nations of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S), Hadhrat Loot (A.S) and Hadhrat Shu’aib (A.S). There are many lessons that the Mu'mineen may learn from all these narratives.
May Allaah bless us with fear for Him, humility and abstinence.

May Allaah save us from the evils of pride, arrogance and boastfulness; and imbue the belief of Tauheed within us. May He grant us the ability to exercise patience when tested and faces with adversities.



(From Imam Kassem, ASCC)


#DAY 17

**The Seventeenth Taraaweeh**

Till the sixteenth Taraaweeh, one and a quarter JUZ were being recited nightly.From the 17th Taraaweeh, only one JUZ will be recited nightly. Therefore, this (17th) Taraaweeh will includes the entire 21st JUZ, which is made up of part of Surah Ankaboot, the entire Surah Roum, Surah Luqmaan, Surah Sajdah, and a part of Surah Ahzaab (till verse 30).

Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) saying. “Recite that of the Book, which has been revealed to you and establish salaah. Verily salaah forbids from obscenity and evil.” [verse 45]

So that the Ahlul Kitaab (Jews and Christians) can accept Islam, Allaah advises, “Only debate with the People of the Book with that which is best; save for those of them who are unjust. And say, ‘We believe in what was revealed to us(the Qur'aan) and what was revealed to you (just as well). Our deity and your deity is One and we surrender to Him.” [verse 46]

Allaah mentions how strange it is that the kuffaar believe that Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) wrote the Qur'aan whereas they all knew well that he was unlettered. It is obvious that the Qur'aan could have only proceeded from Allaah. Allaah addresses the Mu'mineen saying, “Oh My believing bondsmen!
Indeed my earth is vast, so worship Me only (wherever you may go). Every soul shall taste death, whereafter you people will be returned to Us.” [verse 56/7]

Later in the Surah Allaah discusses Jannah and also mentions that all sustenance comes from Allaah only. Thereafter Allaah says that He will certainly guide aright those who strive in His cause. Allaah says, “We shall definitely show Our avenues to those who endure suffering in Our cause. Verily Allaah is certainly with those who do good.” [verse 69]

After Surah Ankaboot, Surah Roum begins by telling people that although the Persians defeated the Romans in battle, the Mu'mineen will be pleased to note that the Romans will be victorious within a few years. Thereafter, Allaah cites numerous signs that denote His great power and might. Allaah then asserts that Islam is true and cannot be altered. Allaah adds, “This is the upright religion, but most people do not know.” [verse 30]

Allaah also announces to people that usurious trade can never be profitable because it is haraam and devoid of blessings. Blessings are in that wealth from which zakaah is paid. Allaah says in verse39,

“Whatever usury you give to increase people’s wealthdoes not increase in Allaah’s sight. Whatever you give in zakaah, seeking Allaah’s pleasure, then such people truly multiply (their rewards).”

Allaah also tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) that there will be some people who will never accept the truth despite his most concerted efforts. This is because the seal of ignorance has been stamped on their hearts.

The entire Surah Roum centres around the following three subjects:

1. The purpose behind the creation of everything.

2. The proofs of Tauheed.

3. Islam is a natural endowment.

After Surah Roum, Surah Luqmaan commences by stating, "These are verses of the Wise Book (the Qur'aan, which is) A guidance and mercy for those who do good.” Thereafter, Allaah speaks about another breed of people when He says (in verse 6) that there are those who seek futile pastimes which deviate them from remembering Allaah. Allaah then conveys the message of Tauheed.

Later in the Surah, Allaah speaks about Hadhrat Luqmaan (A.S) and quotes his words of advice. Allaah says, “We certainly granted wisdom to Luqmaan (inspiring him) to express gratitude to Allaah. Whoever will be grateful to Allaah, expresses gratitude for his own benefit. As for him who is ungrateful, Allaah is certainly Independent, Most Worthy of praise.” [verse 12]

Hadhrat Luqmaan (A.S) never perpetrated shirk and he also enjoined his children never to commit this vile deed. Allaah declares, “Oh people! Fear Allaah and beware of the day when a father will be of no avail to his son, nor will a child be of any avail to his father.” [verse 33] The Surah also teaches man never to walk with pride, never to turn one’s face away from another, and never to raise his voice because the worst of all sounds is that of the donkey. Allaah then repeats the message of Tauheed when He cites various bounties that He has bestowed on man.

Allaah concludes the Surah with the verse: “Verily the knowledge of Qiyamah is only with Allaah, He sends the rains and knows what is in the wombs. A soul does not know what it will earn tomorrow and does not know which land it will die in. Undoubtedly Allaah is All Knowing, Informed.”

Surah Sajdah begins after Surah Luqmaan and primarily discusses the truth of the Qur'aan and the distinction of man. Allaah remarks that the kuffaar are truly foolish to believe that although Allaah created the heavens, the earth and all of creation, he could not reveal the Qur'aan. Allaah says about these rejecters, “Who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the verses of his Rabb and then turns away therefrom? We will certainly exact retribution from the criminals.” [verse 22]

Allaah concludes the Surah by telling Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam), “So turn away from them and wait. They are also waiting.” [verse 30]

Allaah then begins Surah Ahzaab by saying, “Oh Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam)! Fear Allaah and do not follow the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Undoubtedly Allaah is ever the All Knowing, the Wise. Follow what has been revealed to you from your Rabb. Allaah is Ever Informed of what you do.”

Allaah makes it clear in this Surah that he has neither granted any wife the status of her husband’s mother nor has He granted any adopted child the status of a biological child. Allaah says that adopted children will retain the name of their biological fathers and should not be referred to as the children of the adoptive father.

Allaah says about Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) and his wives, “The Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) has a greater relationship with the believers than even theirown selves, and his wives are their mothers.” [verse 6]
In verse 19 Allaah speaks about those people who refuse to participate in jihaad for fear of jihaad itself or for fear of death. Allaah says about them: “These are the ones who do not believe, so Allaah annihilates their deeds.” Towards the end of the Surah Allaah tells people, “There is definitely an
excellent example in Allaah’s messenger (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) for the one who fears Allaah and the Last Day, and remembers Allaah abundantly.” [verse 21]

May Allaah make us practise habitually upon the teachings of the Shari'ah and have perfect trust in Him. May He cast us into the mould of Islam and allow us to follow in the footsteps of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam).



#‎DAY 18

**The Eighteenth Taraaweeh**

The 22nd juz is recited in this Taraaweeh.

Referring to the time when Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) was upset with his on some account, Allaah tells them, “Oh wives of the prophet! You are not like any other women (but higher in status).” [verse 32] Allaah instructs them never to make a display of themselves and to learn the Qur'aan and Sunnah from their homes, which they should teach to others. Allaah advises that His commands be carried out even though difficulties have to be borne in achieving the same. Allaah then
states, “Muhammed (sallallaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) is not the father of any man amongst you, but he is Allaah’s messenger and the seal of all prophets.” [verse 40]

In honour of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), Allaah says in verse 56, “Verily Allaah and his angels shower their special mercies on the Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam). Oh you who believe! Convey mercies and salutations upon him.”

Thereafter, Allaah makes mention of numerous laws of marriage, divorce, iddah and hijaab. In verse 70, Allaah commands the Muslims to speak only what is good because this will afford them the capacity to carry out good deeds. Allaah makes it clear that the only road to success is in following the teachings of Allaah and Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). In verse 72

Allaah says that the awesome trust of bearing the Shari'ah was offered to the heavens, the earth and the mountains but they all shrank from the task. It was only man who was able to bear the responsibility. Allaah curses the kuffaar and Munafiqeen in this Surah, whereafter the Surah closes with mention of Allaah’s mercy.

After Surah Ahzaab, Surah Saba begins with the dynamic statement that “All praise belongs to Allaah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. All praise belongs to Him in the Hereafter as well. He is The Wise, the Informed.” Allaah dispels the foolish altercation of the kuffaar who say that they must be correct in their beliefs and deeds because Allaah has not yet annihilated them with His punishment. Allaah tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam) that he should warn these kuffaar that Allaah’spunishment can afflict them at any stage just as it struck the
nations of the past. There are lessons to be learnt from these incidents for people with Imaan.

Relating the incidents of various Ambiya (A.S), Allaah begins withthe narrative of Hadhrat Dawood (A.S). Allaah made iron soft for him, which he would mould as he pleased. Allaah also subjugated
the birds and mountains for him, all of which would hymn Allaah’s Dhikr along with him. Allaah made a spring of copper gush forth for Hadhrat Sulaymaan (A.S) and also granted him control over the winds and the jinn.

Allaah speaks about the people of Saba in this Surah, whom Allaah destroyed in a flood because they were ungrateful for the bounties that He bestowed on them.

Surah Faatir follows Surah Saba as the 35th Surah of the Qur'aan. Herein Allaah states that He has created the heavens and the earth without any previous example. Thereafter, Allaah states that He “made the angels messengers, possessing two, three and four wings. Allaah increases in His creation as He pleases. Verily Allaah has power over all things. There is none to withhold the mercy Allaah opens to people, and there is none to release the mercy that He withholds. He is the Mighty, the Wise.” [verse 1 and 2]

Thereafter, Allaah warns man to beware of Shaytaan’s ploys because he beautifies the deeds of people for them so that sin appears to be virtuous to them. Shaytaan must be treated as the avowed enemy he is to man. Speaking about those who spend their wealth for Allaah’s pleasure, Allaah says that He will “grant them their reward in full and increase them from His grace. Verily He is Most Forgiving, Most Appreciative.” [verse 30]

Every being is dependent on Allaah, Who has power to do whatever He pleases. Allaah declares in verse 45, “If Allaah was to take man to task for whatever he does, Allaah would not leave a single living creature on the face of the earth (because His punishment would destroy them all). But Allaah defers them till an appointed term.”

Surah Yaaseen follows Surah Faatir. Allaah says that that He has revealed the Qur'aan to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) so that he may guide people. However, there are those kuffaar who have veils upon their hearts and will not respond. Regarding them Allaah says, “It the same to them whether you warn them or you do not warn them. They will never believe. You can only warn him who follows the advice and fears Rahmaan without seeing Him. Give him the glad tidings of forgiveness and a bountiful provision.” [verses 10 and 11]

The concluding verse of this Surah advises, “Follow those who do not ask any remuneration from you, and who are rightly guided.” [verse 21]


#‎DAY 19

**The Nineteenth Taraaweeh**

The 23rd juz is recited in this Taraaweeh. It includes the remainder of Surah Yaaseen, Surah Saaffaat, Surah Saad and a part of Surah Zumar.

The para begins with words that every person should actually ask himself, “Why should I not worship the One Who has created me, and to Whom you all shall return?” [verse 22]

Allaah also declares, “What anguish about My bondsmen! They mock at every prophet that comes to them. Have they not seen (or have they forgotten) how many were the nations that We destroyed before them? They will certainly never return to them. They will all be present before Us collectively” [verses 30 to 32]

Thereafter, Allaah mentions numerous phenomena that denote His great creative ability. Mention of Jahannam and Jannah follow, when Allaah says, “Verily the people of Jannah will be joyous in their occupation on this day (of Qiyaamah).” [verse 55] Allaah concludes this glorious Surah by saying, “Pure is that Being in Whose hand lies the reins of everything, and to Whom you will all be returned.” [verse 83]

Surah Saaffaat follows Surah Yaaseen. Allaah opens the Surah by taking several oaths and declaring that He is the only Master and Controller of the universe and that His system is free from the interference of the Shayaateen. On the Day of Qiyaamah, the Mushrikeen will become fuel for the fire of Jahannam along with their idols and gods.

Allaah then mentions how Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) and his son Hadhrat Isma'eel (A.S) were successful in the trial that Allaah put them through when He commanded Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) to slaughter Hadhrat Isma'eel (A.S). At the last moment Allaah replaced Hadhrat Isma'eel (A.S) with a ram from Jannah and the deed of sacrificing an animal was made a practice for all Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S)’s progeny to emulate.

After making brief mention of a few Ambiya (A.S), Allaah says, “Yunus was certainly from the messengers.” [verse 139]

Thereafter, Allaah recounts the epic of Hadhrat Yunus (A.S) who grew weary of his people’s rejection and left the town without Allaah’s permission. When he undertook a journey by sea, a huge fish swallowed him whole. While in the fish’s stomach He repented to Allaah and Allaah forgave him. Allaah removed him from the fish’s belly and returned him to land.

Surah Saad follows Surah Saaffaat. Allaah speaks of the obstinacy and pride of the Mushrikeen who did not want to accept the truth and refused to even listen to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam). Allaah says that it is strange that “They are surprised that a warner has come from amongst them.” [verse 4]

Allaah then reminds man of the various nations of the past that He destroyed on account of their sins so that they do not follow in their footsteps. Allaah also exhorts Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-
wa-sallam) to patiently bear the harassment of the kuffaar. The Surah then proceeds to recount an incident in the life of Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) when Allaah tested him by making him judge a dispute between two persons. When he realised that it was a test from Allaah, he fell down in prostration before Allaah and begged forgiveness.

The incident of Hadhrat Ayyoob (A.S) follows that of Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) and another of Hadhrat Sulaymaan (A.S). Allaah speaks about the severe illness that afflicted Hadhrat Ayyoob (A.S) which he endures with Herculean perseverance. Allaah then talks about certain other Ambiya (A.S), Allaah of whom Allaah says were “from the very best.” [verse 48]

Thereafter, Allaah mentions that He granted Iblees respite to live till the Day of Qiyaamah. Although he will mislead mankind, he will have no power to deviate those whom Allaah has specially selected.

Surah Zumar commences after Surah Saad and explains that Allaah will not guide people who lie and who refuse to believe. The Surah also emphasises that Allaah has not taken anyone as His son. Allaah is Alone, Omnipotent and does not require anything from the creation. Every person will have to account for his own doings when people are returned to Allaah on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Allaah says that the Qur'aan is a book of advice and guidance which contains subject matter that is clear and without crookedness. By taking heed to its teachings, deviated people may be rightly guided and may save themselves from a grievous punishment.

May ALLAH save us from sin and the fire of Hell and grant us Jannatul Firdaus


#‎DAY 20

**The Twentieth Taraaweeh**

The 24th Juz is recited in this Taraaweeh.

Allaah says in the first verse of the para, “Who can be more unjust than him who lies about Allaah, and falsifies the truth when it comes to him? Is there no abode for the disbelievers in Jahannam? The one who brings the truth and confirms it, these are the people who are abstinent.”
[verses 32/3 of Surah Zumar]

Allaah promises that He will assist Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi- wa-sallam) when He declares in verse 36, “Is Allaah not Sufficient for His bondsman?” Allaah also addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) saying, “Without doubt, We have revealed to you a Book with the truth for the people. Whoever is rightly guided, is guided for his benefit, and whomsoever is misguided, then it is to his own detriment. You have not been sent as a warder over them (and therefore cannot be held responsible for their deeds).” [verse 41]

Allaah emphasizes that sustenance proceeds only from Him and that the kuffaar always have a chance to be forgiven if they repent to Allaah sincerely.

Surah Mu'min commences after Surah Zumar. Allaah declares therein, “This Book is revealed from Allaah, the Mighty, the All Knowing, the Forgiver of sins, Acceptor of repentance, Stern in punishment, and All Powerful. There is none worthy of worship besides Him, and all shall return to Him.” [verses 2 and 3]

In verse 4 Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) as well as the Mu'mineen when He says, “It is only the disbelievers who argue about Allaah’s verses, so let not their travelling about through the lands (and their apparent might) deceive you (because Allaah will soon seize them and they are destined to be fuel for Jahannam).”

Allaah urges all Muslims to worship Allaah only and to abstain from shirk even though the kuffaar and Mushrikeen detest this. Allaah sent the Ambiya (A.S) to warn people of the difficult Day of Qiyaamah when every deed will be apparent. It will be a day of justice and every person will receive the full recompense for whatever good or evil s/he did. Allaah’s judgement will be binding
and He will not be the least unjust to anyone. Allaah declares in verse 51, “We shall definitely assist

Our messengers and those who believe in this worldly life, as well as on the Day witnesses will stand (the Day of Qiyaamah).” It will therefore be wisest for people to seek refuge with Allaah and bear in mind that “The blind and seeing cannot be equal, neither can those who believe and do good deeds be equal to the sinner. Little is it that they take heed.” [verse 58]

Surah HaaMeem Sajdah begins after Surah Mu'min. Allaah says in verse 4 of the Surah that the Qur'aan is both “a bearer of glad tidings (for the righteous Mu'mineen) and a warner (for the others).” Allaah instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhiWasallam) to announce to the people that he is also a human being like themselves, the only difference being that revelation comes to him. It is this revelation that stresses “that your Deity is only One. So remain devoted to Him, and seek forgiveness from Him.” [verse 6]

Allaah also exhorts Muslims to pay their zakaah and to have a firm conviction in the advent of Qiyaamah, when their limbs will testify against them. Allaah also advises Muslims to seek refuge with Allaah whenever Shaytaan attempts to mislead them because Allaah is All Hearing and All Knowing. Only Allaah is worthy of worship.



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