বৃহস্পতিবার, জুন ২২, ২০১৭


#‎DAY 11

**The Eleventh Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh commences from the second half of the thirteenth JUZ (verse 19 of Surah Ra’d) and terminates three-quarters into the 14th para (verse 89 of Surah Nahl).

Allaah declares, “Due to their evil deeds, some calamity will always afflict the disbelievers, or descend close to their homes till Allaah’s promise (Qiyaamah) comes.” [Surah Ra’d,verse 31] Allaah also mentions that although the kuffaar are continuously plotting, the final decision in any matter always rests with Allaah. Allaah is Aware of whatever they do and will take them to task for their deeds.

Surah Ibraheem follows Surah Ra’d. This Surah also begins with mention of the Qur'aan. Allaah says, “This is a Book that We revealed to you to remove people from the multitude of darkness, taking them towards light, by the command of your Rabb to the path of The Mighty, The One Worthy of praise.” The Surah proceeds to establish the prophet hood of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), where after belief in Tauheed is discussed. To emphasis the concept of Tauheed Allaah cites the incidents of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) and Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S). The Surah also condemns kufr and shirk by means of examples.

Allaah quotes the du’aa of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) in this Surah when he supplicated to Allaah saying, “Oh our Rabb! I have settled my children in a valley that cannot be cultivated, close to Your sacred house. Oh our Rabb! So that they establish salaah, so cause some hearts of people to be inclined towards them. And provide for them fruits for their sustenance so that they may be grateful.
Oh our Rabb!

Indeed You know what we conceal and what we disclose. Nothing in the heavens and the earth is hidden from Allaah.” [verse 37/8]

The du’aas of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) teaches us to include Allaah’s praises in our du’aas so that they are more readily accepted. After discussing the incident of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S), Allaah urges the people of Makkah to learn a lesson from the narratives of the previous nations. The Surah warns people of the terrible punishment of the Day of Qiyaamah for those who reject the truth and stubbornly oppose it.

AT the end Allaah says, “This (Qur'aan) is a message for people so that they are warned thereby and so that they know that He is but One deity; and so that the intelligent ones take heed thereby.” [verse 52]


Surah Hijr follows Surah Ibraheem. This Surah sounds a stern warning to those people who mock at Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam)’s message of Islam and who called him a madman. Allaah tells such people that the Qur'aan is a Reminder from Allaah which He has revealed to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-wa-sallam). Allaah adds: “Without doubt We have revealed the Reminder and We shall certainly be it’s protectors.” [verse 9]

Allaah consoles Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) in this Surah by telling him that he should never allow the taunts and threats of the Mushrikeen affect him because these people are
following the footsteps of Shaytaan and are destined for Jahannam. Allaah declares that He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful, but that He is also Capable of afflicting a grievous punishment to people.

Addressing Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) Allaah says, We know very well that your bosom is constrained by what they (the Mushrikeen) say.” [verse 97] In the next verse Allaah prescribes the remedy for the hurt that the kuffaar cause to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam).
Allaah says, “So glorify the praises of your Rabb and be of the prostrate ones. And worship your Rabb till the certainty (death) comes to you.”

Surah Nahl commences after Surah Hijr. Allaah opens the Surah with the words, “Allaah’s command has arrived, so do not seek to hasten it. He is Pure and Exalted above what they associate as partners to Him.” Allaah censures the kuffaar for requesting for Allaah’s punishment and reminds them that the day will certainly come when they will be taken to task for their deeds. Man is ungrateful to Allaah Who has provided him with various means of conveyances and animals whereby he can
transport himself and his heavy loads. There are great signs in these for people who will ponder.
Allaah tells the Mushrikeen “So travel in the land and see what was the consequence of those who denied.” [verse 36]

The civilisations of these people lie in ruins – destroyed by the consequences of their very own deeds. Allaah reminds man that whatever He wills shall come to pass.

Thereafter, Allaah rebukes the Mushrikeen for feeling ashamed and humiliated when they have a daughter; and emotion that leads them to eventually bury the child alive. Allaah then discusses various bounties that He has bestowed man with; like the rains, the animals and the flourishing of vegetation after rains. Allaah also calls man’s attention to the great boon of milk that Allaah miraculously produces within the bellies of animals.

Allaah says, “From what is in their bellies between excrement and blood, We give you pure milk to drink, which is easily consumed.” [verse 66]

Thereafter, Allaah reminds man of the various types of delicious fruit that Allaah provides for him by His pure grace. Mention is then made of the bee, which Allaah has inspired to build hives in mountains and trees. Allaah has charged the bees with producing honey, about which Allaah says that it is “a cure for man”
[verse 69].
All these bounties denote the existence of One Allaah because none else can create these phenomena.

Allaah says further, “Allaah has given some of you preference over others in sustenance.” [verse 71] In so doing, people are interdependent and each one serves the needs of the next, thereby allowing the smooth functioning of the system of life. Further reminding man of His bounties Allaah says, “Allaah has made spouses for you from yourselves and, from these spouses, created sons and grandsons. And He has provided for you pure foods to eat. Will they believe in falsehood and show ingratitude to Allaah’s favour?” [verse 72]

Despite the fact that Allaah provides man with his sustenance and all these bounties, the kuffaar still worship “things that cannot provide any sustenance for them from the skies, nor from the earth.” [verse 73] In addition to this they also forbid others from treading the right path. Because of their deviant ways Allaah will subject them to a severe punishment when He will resurrect all of mankind.

Allaah then mentions a few attributes of the Qur'aan when He says that it is also “a guidance, a mercy and a glad tiding for those who submit.” [verse 89].

May Allaah grant us the ability to be conscious of His bounties and to remain steadfast upon the belief in Tauheed.




**The Twelfth Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh begins from the last quarter of the 14th JUZ (from verse 90 of Surah Nahl) and terminates at the end of the 15th JUZ (verse 74 of Surah Kahaf).

This Taraaweeh commences with the verse “Verily Allaah instructs justice, good and giving to relatives. And Allaah forbids from lewdness, evil and oppression. He advises you so that you may take heed.” Allaah also commands people to fulfil their pledges and their oaths, and not to accept bribes. Allaah promises all Mu'mineen men and women who carry out good deeds that He will grant them a pure and comfortable life in this world and full reward for their deeds in the Hereafter. Thereafter, Allaah instructs the Muslims that they should always seek refuge with Allaah from Shaytaan when they commence recitation of the Qur'aan. Allaah also advises, “Call to the path
of your Rabb with wisdom and good counsel; and dispute with them (the kuffaar) in a manner that is best.” [Surah Nahl, verse 125]

At the end of the Surah Allaah tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) that he should not be grieved about what his opposition does because Allaah will certainly assist him to overcome all the hurdles they place before him.


Surah Bani Israa'eel follows Surah Nahl as the 17th Surah of the Qur'aan. Allaah took Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) on the miraculous journey of Mi’raaj, when Allaah showed him
great signs of His power. It was on this journey that Allaah made the five daily salaah compulsory on all Muslims. This blessed Surah also contains the 14 guidelines whereby the life of a Muslim can be most fulfilling. These are:

1. Worship Allaah only.
2. Treat parents kindly.
3. Fulfil the rights of relatives, the poor and travellers.
4. Never be wasteful.
5. If you cannot be of assistance to a person in need, inform him kindly.
6. Be neither miserly nor extravagant, but choose a path between the two.
7. Never kill your children for fear of poverty.
8. Never even draw close to fornication.
9. Never slay a person without warrant.
10. Never misuse the wealth of an orphan.
11. Always keep your word.
12. Never cheat in weight and measure.
13. Never talk about anything that you have not verified.
14. Never walk with pride.

The Tahajjud salaah is made compulsory for Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) in this Surah. Allaah also announces: “Say, ‘The truth has arrived and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood was bound to disappear.” [verse 81]

Thereafter Allaah speaks about Hadhrat Moosa (A.S), his miracles, and his preaching to Fir'oun. The eventual destruction of Fir'oun is also mentioned. Allaah says further, “We have revealed it (the Qur'aan) with the truth, and with the truth did it come.” [verse 105]. Awe-struck by the grandeur of the Qur'aan, men of knowledge fall prostrate when they hear the Qur'aan and the Qur'aan increases their humility. The very last verse of the Surah declares, “Say, ‘All praise is for Allaah, Who has not taken a child, has no partner in sovereignty and does not require an assistant due to any
weakness. And declare His greatness in abundance.” [verse111]

Surah Kahaf follows Surah Bani Israa'eel. The part of Surah Kahaf which is recited in this Taraaweeh includes the incident of the men of the cave and Hadhrat Moosa (A.S)’s meeting with Hadhrat Khidr (A.S). The “men of the cave” were a group of young men who grew weary of the depravity around them and decided to leave their town. Since the only shelter they could find outside their town was a cave, they entered it. Allaah cast them all into a deep sleep that lasted approximately three hundred years. During this period their dog lay watch at the mouth of the cave and the evil and corruption that existed in their town gave way to a decent government of Mu'mineen. By the time they woke up,
everything had changed and it was not long after they learnt about the situation that they all passed away in the very same cave. They will now only awaken for the Day of Qiyaamah.

This Surah also makes mention of the wisdom in Allaah’s system of control, which he showed Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) via Hadhrat Khidr (A.S). As the two travelled, Hadhrat Khidr (A.S) damaged
the boat of some poor people, killed an innocent looking young boy, and bolstered a falling wall of some people who behaved inhospitably to them. Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) was unable to bear with these acts and objected to each of them. Finally, Hadhrat Khidr (A.S) explained to him that Allaah has commanded each act and that there was good in every act even though they appeared to be dreadful.

Allaah also declares in the Surah: “We have undoubtedly expounded all types of subjects in the Qur'aan for people. Man has always been the worst disputant.” [verse 54]. Man has always contested what Allaah has revealed to His Ambiya (A.S) and refuses to accept it. The Qur'aan contains the most
upright and ethical teachings so that people with understanding may ponder over these and take a lesson from them. Among these teachings are the incidents of the men of the cave and of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S).

May Allaah grant us a deep insight and understanding.





**The Thirteenth Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh commences from the beginning of the 16th JUZ and ends after the first quarter of the 17th JUZ (verse 50 of Surah Ambiya).

This part of Surah Kahaf contains the incident of Dhul Qarnain whose kingdom was extremely extensive. He was a pious Mu'min who ruled very justly. It was during his reign that the barbaric tribes of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj plundered other nations and wreaked havoc in their lives. Dhul Qarnain stemmed their tide of anarchy by erecting a wall of iron and copper at their exit between two mountains. He made it clear to the people there that it was only Allaah’s mercy that kept the wall from collapsing because it was merely a temporary object of this world. They were therefore to
continue performing good deeds and purge their deeds of shirk. In this regard the final verse of the Surah reads: “So whoever aspires for the meeting with his Rabb should perform good deeds and not associate anyone as partner to the worship of his Rabb.” [verse 110]

Surah Maryam follows Surah Kahaf. This Surah commences with mention of how Allaah blessed Hadhrat Zakariyyah (A.S) with a child after he had already advanced in age. His son was Hadhrat
Yahya (A.S), who was a soft-hearted Nabi who possessed a decisive sense of judgement. Thereafter Allaah relates the epic of Hadhrat Maryam (A.S) when she miraculously gave birth to Hadhrat Isa (A.S) without a father. Many other Ambiya (A.S) are mentioned thereafter. The objective of mentioning these Ambiya (A.S) is to impress upon people’s minds that all the Ambiya (A.S)
brought the same message that Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa- sallam) brought. However, depravity crept into the lives of people through the passage of time and they resorted to kufr and shirk.

Towards the end of the Surah Allaah declares that it is profane to say that He has children because it does not behove His loftiness and grandeur to have any children. Claiming that Allaah has children is an open invitation to His wrath and punishment.

Surah TaaHaa follows Surah Maryam. At the very outset Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) saying, “We have not revealed the Qur'aan to you to cause you difficulty. However, it is an advice for him who fears.” Allaah has not charged Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)
with forcing people to believe when they do not want to.

The Qur'aan will be of benefit to those who fear that Allaah will take them to task for their sins.

Thereafter, Allaah narrates the incident of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S). The Surah mentions the following events in Hadhrat Moosa (A.S)’s life:

- When he is conferred the mantle of prophethood on the plain of Tuwa.
- His miracles of the staff and shining hand.
- His upbringing in Fir'oun’s palace.
- His preaching to Fir'oun.
- His contest against the magicians.
- His departure from Egypt with the Bani Israa'eel.
- Fir'oun and his army pursue them and are eventually drowned.
- The Bani Israa'eel treachery and disobedience of the Bani Israa'eel which leads them to take a calf as their deity.

Thereafter the Surah speaks about Qiyaamah and urges the performance of salaah. Towards the end of the Surah Allaah says to the Mu'mineen, “Never strain your eyes towards the splendour Of the worldly life and the wives that We have granted the disbelievers to enjoy, to test them therewith.
The provision of your Rabb is best and more lasting.” [verse 131]


The next Surah is Surah Ambiya, which derives its name from the fact that it mentions a series of Ambiya (A.S). The Surah also cautions people against being negligent about Qiyaamah and reckoning. Allaah mentions that the Qur'aan contains every type of advice and explanation for mankind. They therefore have a choice before them and can project the consequences of their deeds.

None can ever save himself from Allaah’s punishment when it comes, and people will be foolish to pin their hopes in their fabricated gods. People will be called to account for every minute deed – even and act the size of a mustard seed will be weighed in the scale of deeds. Allaah’s judgement on the Day of Qiyaamah will be final and binding.

May Allaah grant us all the Taufeeq to practise.




The Fourteenth Taraaweeh

This Taraaweeh begins from the second quarter of the 17th JUZ (from verse 51 of Surah Ambiya) and ends halfway into the 18th JUZ (verse 20 of Surah Noor).

In the remaining verses of Surah Ambiya, Allaah discusses thevarious Ambiya (A.S) from Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) to Hadhrat Isa (A.S). Thereafter, Allaah says about Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-
wa-sallam), “We have sent you as a mercy to the universe.” [verse 107] The next verse declares Tauheed whenAllaah instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to “Say, ‘It has been revealed to me that your deity is but One Deity. So will you submit to this?”

Surah Hajj follows Surah Ambiya and opens with a reminder of Qiyaamah. Allaah says, “Oh people! Fear your Rabb. The earthquake of Qiyamah is a tremendous thing indeed. The day when you will witness it, every nursing mother will forget her suckling infant and every pregnant woman will
abort (because of intense fear). And you will see people in a drunken stupor whereas they will not be drunk, but Allaah’s punishment is severe.” [verses 1 and 2]

Allaah also cautions those Mu'mineen whose faith is weak that they should make a concerted effort to strengthen their Imaan and carry out good deeds so that the welfare of their lives in this world and in the Hereafter is not jeopardised. Allaah says that it was Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S) who termed this ummah as Muslimeen. Allaah also makes mention of the Kaa'ba an instructs “and perform tawaaf around the ‘Baitul Ateeq’ (the Kaa'ba).” [verse 29]

Thereafter, certain rites of hajj are mentioned, about which Allaah states, “And whoever honours Allaah’s signs, then this is due to the taqwa of hearts.” [verse 32]. With regard to sacrificial animals on the occasion of hajj Allaah says, “Their flesh and blood will never reach Allaah, but it is your taqwa that will reach Him.” [verse 37]

Allaah concludes the Surah with the following message to the Muslims: 77. “Oh you who believe, bow, prostrate, worship your Rabb and carry out good deeds so that you may be successful.” 78. “Strive for Allaah with the endeavour that is His right. He has chosen you and has not placed any
hardship upon in religion. Follow the creed of your father, Ibraheem. It was him who named you Muslims from before and in this Qur'aan, so that the messenger (sallAllaahualayhi- wa-sallam) be a witness over you people, and that you be witnesses over mankind. So establish salaah, pay zakaah and hold fast to (the rope of) Allaah. He is your patron. So, how excellent He is as a patron, and how excellent as a supporter” [verses 77/8]


These concluding words of Surah Hajj draw the 17th JUZ to a close and lead to the opening verses of Surah Mu'minoon. At the beginning of this Surah Allaah describes those Mu'mineen whose beliefs are correct, who worship Allaah diligently and are also particular about fulfilling the rights of others. In describing the qualities of the Mu'mineen, Allaah exhorts all the Mu'mineen that they should sincerely worship Him, fulfil the promises and pledges they make with others and abstain from all acts of lechery. These are amongst the acts that will lead to eternalsuccess.

After discussing the qualities if the Mu'mineen, Allaah discusses the signs that denote His greatness and His oneness. Among these signs Allaah mentions the creation of man, the creation o the heavens and the earth, as well as the various plants and animals together with the milk that Allaah produces from their bellies. All these boons denote Allaah’s all encompassing mercy and compassion towards His creation, which should spur man to accept the belief of Tauheed.

Allaah then cites the incident of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S) so thatcpeople may learn that success lies in following the teachings of Allaah’s Ambiya (A.S). Allaah also urges the Mu'mineen not to destroy their deeds by being proud and that their hearts should always be apprehensive of returning to Allaah for reckoning. Further describing the qualities of the Mu'mineen Allaah says,
“These people hasten to perform good deeds and are the forerunners in this.” [verse 61]

Allaah states a blanket rule when He says, “We do not burden any soul more than it can bear.” [verse 62] Allaah also tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) that the kuffaar will never cease to oppose him till their deaths, when they will regret their ways. However, it will then be too late.

The 24th Surah of the Qur'aan, Surah Noor, commences after Surah Mu'minoon and contains verses that are pertinent to the morality of society. A gist of the Surah may be mentioned in the following twelve points:

1. A hundred lashes are to be metered out to any unmarried man or woman guilty of fornication.
2. Men and women guilty of fornication should be ostracized from society and none should marry them.
3. Eighty lashes should be metered out to anyone who accuses another of adultery or fornication without the required proof.
4. If a husband or a wife accuses their partner of adultery, each should take four oaths in Allaah’s name that s/he is truthful and that the other is lying. A fifth oath should then be taken by each of them invoking Allaah’s curse him/her if s/he is lying.
5. “Unchaste women are for unchaste men and unchaste men are for unchaste women. Pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women. These people are innocent of what the slanderers say. Theirs is forgiveness and a bounteous reward.” [verse 26]
6. An accused person will be regarded as innocent till proven guilty.
7. Never enter another person’s home without permission.
8. Men and women should neither stare at each other nor steal secretive glances at each other.
9. Women must never display their charms before men who are not close family members.
10. Islam does not approve of leading one’s life as a bachelor or a spinster.
11. During times of privacy, not even children are allowed to enter any person’s room without permission.
12. Even when the blind or paralysed eat from the homes of relatives without permission, it will not be regarded as theft. Allaah also discusses the incident of the slander against Hadhrat Aa'isha (R.A). In Surah Noor Allaah refutes the allegation of adultery that the Munafiqeen attributed to Hadhrat Aa'isha (R.A) and warned the Mu'mineen that they should never accept such rumors in future.

May Allaah grant us all the guidance to practise on the teachings of Islam and refrain from immoral acts, slander, evil glances and all other sins.




**The Fifteenth Taraaweeh**

This Taraaweeh begins from the second half of the 18th juz (from verse 21 of Surah Noor) and ends at the third quarter of the 19th juz (verse 6 of Surah Naml).

Allaah addresses the Mu'mineen saying, “Oh you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan. Whoever follows the footsteps of shaytaan, then verily he commands immorality and evil.” [verse 21]

Allaah also mentions, “We have surely revealed clear laws to you, some narratives of those who passed before you, and an advice for those who have taqwa (i.e. for those who have fear for Allaah).” [verse 34]

In the next verse Allaah declares, “Allaah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.” A Mu'min is therefore one who will take light from Allaah to guide him through life and who will adhere to the teachings of the Ambiya (A.S) because “Those who oppose the messenger’s commands should beware that some calamity or a grievous punishment should afflict them.” [verse 63]

Surah Furqaan follows Surah Noor. Allaah introduces the Surah by stating, “Blessed indeed is the Being Who revealed the Criterion upon His bondsman so that he may be a warner to the universe (that a severe punishment awaits the person who does not believe).”


Allaah tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) that he should not be distressed about the harassment of the kuffaar because “Your Rabb suffices as a Guide and a Helper.” [verse 31]

Allaah also commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) to tell the people that he requires no remuneration for his efforts at propagating. The only reward he desired was that people follow the straight path and become true bondsmen of Allaah who “walk on earth in humility and, when the ignorant talk to them, they say, ‘Peace.” [verse 63]

This means that they do not enter into arguments with ignorant people and gracefully pass by them. Allaah then makes it clear that the true Mu'mineen will attain lofty ranks of Jannah while the
kuffaar will be unable save themselves from Allaah’s punishment. Surah Shu’araa follows Surah Furqaan. This Surah contains the stories of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S) and Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S), as well as mention of the destruction of the Aad, the Thamud and the nation of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S). Allaah also makes mention of the plight that evil poets who are constantly lost in their futile thoughts will suffer.

Addressing Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam), Allaah states, “It seems like you will destroy yourself because they are not believing. If We willed, We would have revealed a great sign to them from the sky, causing their necks to bow before it in humility.” [verses 3 and 4]

However, because the kuffaar have already refused to accept the truth, they will have to suffer the punishment for their obstinacy. Allaah then proceeds to recount approximately seven incidents,
amongst these being the stories of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S), Hadhrat Nooh (A.S), Hadhrat Hood (A.S), Hadhrat Saalih (A.S), Hadhrat Loot (A.S) and Hadhrat Shu’aib (A.S). Each one of these
incidents are a means of guidance for people, but there will still be many rejecters who refuse to believe in them and will mock at them. Allaah says, “They have certainly denied, so shortly the news of what they used to mock at will come to them.” [verse 6]

The Mushrikeen claimed that Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam) was a poet and that the Qur'aan was a composition of poetry. Allaah denies that the Qur'aan could ever be the work of a
poet or a Jinn. Allaah concludes the Surah by saying, “Only deviated people follow the poets. Do you not see that they wander astray in every valley? And that they say things which they never do? Save for those (poets) who believe, do good deeds, remember Allaah abundantly and avenge themselves after being oppressed. Shortly the oppressors will come to know to which place they will return.”
[verses 224 to 228]

In this Taraaweeh only a part of Surah Naml is recited. Allaah states that the Qur'aan is “a guidance and a conveyor of glad tidings for the believers.” In this regard, the Surah proceeds to discuss the epics of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S), Hadhrat Dawood (A.S), Hadhrat Sulaymaan (A.S), the Aad and the Thamud. Allaah opens the Surah by saying, “These are the verses of the Qur'aan and a clear Book. (It is) a guidance and a conveyor of glad tidings for the believers; those who establish salaah, pay zakaah and are convinced about the Hereafter.”
[verse 1, 2 and 3]

Allaah further says that He has beautified the deeds of the kuffaar so that they continue to sin and earn multiple punishment for it. Allaah says about them, “For such people there shall be a terrible punishment and they will be the worst losers in the Hereafter.” [verse 5] Thereafter, Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) saying,

“Undoubtedly, you are given the Qur'aan from the Wise, the All Knowing.” [verse 6]

May Allaah grant us all the capacity to follow Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) and may He save us from all sins; especially from those sins that were the cause for other nations to be destroyed. May He also afford us the consciousness to accept the Qur'aan as a fountainhead of guidance and our code of life.



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